



    Educating yourself about Chlorine Dioxide Solution in cleansing,

    detoxifying and oxidizing various kinds of diseases

    by Jim Humble, the inventor of MMS Protocols


    MMS is a unique chemical oxidizer that has the ability to enter the water, it kills pathogens that are causing diseases and touch absolutely nothing else. MMS also destroys heavy metal compounds in the water and many different poisons. The reason for this unique ability is that MMS is a very weak oxidizer with an oxidation potential of +.95 volts. The only thing MMS can do in the water is kill disease. When MMS is activated with hydrochloric acid (HCl) it becomes the World’s best Pathogen Destroyer – known as Chlorine Dioxide. (CLO2)

    Now please do not become concerned that this is somehow chlorine. It is no more kindred to chlorine then table salt, which as you know is made of chlorine. Chlorine dioxide (CIO2) has been used to purify water for 80 years and has been sold in chemical form in health food stores for 80 years in the form of sodium chlorite, known as stabilized oxygen. When we mention master mineral solution, we are referring to mineral chlorine dioxide (CLO2) that is delivered from sodium chlorite. Sodium chlorite is found in its natural state in many places in the world; however it is normally cheaper to manufacture it then to mine it. Still it is considered to be a mineral in either case, and in fact anything that is not animal or vegetable is a mineral.

    The most effective killer of pathogens, viruses, molds, parasites, and other disease-causing organisms known to man is chlorine dioxide (CLO2). No gas, no powerful industrial acids, no pesticides, no other chemical kills pathogens better than chlorine dioxide. It is one of the few things that can even kill anthrax. Chlorine dioxide (CLO2) is one of the few known minerals (some call it a chemical, but in fact it is also a mineral) that kills viruses on hospital floors, slaughterhouses, water, vegetables, and in farm food distributors.

    For more than 70 years, chlorine dioxide (CLO2) has been used to kill pathogens in water supplies without killing the beneficial bacteria. This unique chemical has characteristics that set it aside from all other chemicals when it comes to destroying micro-organisms of all kind causing disease

    Why does chlorine dioxide kill only pathogens and poisons?
    By now you must wonder why pathogens are the only things that CLO2 can destroy. Well, CLO2 can probably destroy many things but the only things in the water that it can destroy are pathogens. It just happens because of their nature that almost all pathogens, including bacteria, molds, yeast, fungi, and disease-causing parasites, have outer membranes (skins) that can be easily oxidized by chlorine dioxide.

    Tests you can do for yourself
    1. Make up a strong MMS solution; let me suggest 10 drops of activated MMS in a 1oz. of water that is 40 times stronger than most doses.
    2. Now take it to any delicate plant or flower or Grass. Spray it on any of the petals or other parts of the plant.
    It will do no damage to the most delicate plant. It can’t harm plants that are 100 times more delicate than for example, human skin or any of the human’s organs or cells. Of course plants are different than human organisms, but not that much different. The cells are very similar. This test at least proves that chlorine dioxide does not kill everything in its path.

    Let me also suggest that you take some Clorox and spray it on a plant. You will see it die. That is because there is chlorine in Clorox. You should be starting to get an understanding of chlorine dioxide by now.

    The 5 Fundamentals for using MMS, activated by 4% hydrochloric acid:

    1. Repeated small doses are more effective than large morning and evening doses. It has been demonstrated more than 1000 times that small doses administered often, up to once each hour, are more effective than large doses administered once or twice a day.
    We now know that the chlorine dioxide chemical generated by MMS does not remain in the body more than one or two hours at most. The size of the dose does not seem to make a great deal of difference to the amount of time that MMS remains active in the body. That basically is because it doesn’t matter if it is a large amount or small amount it still deteriorates into mostly just table salt in an hour or two.
    So in reading the various methods of using MMS elsewhere on this web site, keep in mind – it is going to be much more effective to take MMS either each hour, or each two hours, and with smaller doses that will be equal to – or maybe larger than – one large dose.
    If you are in the habit of taking larger MMS doses only in the morning and evening as was suggested in the past, MMS will still cleanse the body of microbes and pathogens. However, new research clearly reveals that a smaller-but-continuous circulation of CLO2 prevents regrouping and reproduction of pathogens, especially in situations where you are fighting a specific health issue – whether a cold or herpes or hepatitis.
    After you are cleaned out a maintenance dose is still the same as always, 6 drops a day of MMS along with the hydrochloric acid required for activation. That’s for older people and 6 drops twice a week for younger people, older people being over 60.

    2. Decrease the number of drops as needed if diarrhea or nausea occur, but do not stop taking MMS. Nausea and diarrhea are both good indicator signs that MMS is working. Diarrhea lasting for an hour or two is very good, but to keep it up for any amount of time can cause more harm than good. So always decrease the drops when these temporary barriers arise – they are temporary in most cases.

    3. Never take more than 3 drops and hour unless in a life threatening condition. In the case of life-threatening situation use protocol 2000.

    4.Avoid all forms of antioxidant supplements like Vitamin C, coffee or tea for two hours before and after use of MMS. This is a temporary requirement, necessary during the significant weeks of your ramping up to the level of drops where you can be considered to be “Cleaned Out.” If you are taking Vitamin C capsules marked as “12 hour” type, you will have to discontinue their use and only take capsules or tablets that do not indicate a timed action and take them only at night after MMS hours.

    Maintain a nutrition program adequately to maintain your immune system. MMS takes unwanted pathogens and parasites out of your body with great efficiency but it provides no nutritional minerals or vitamins. Maintain intake of friendly micro-organisms (acidophilus and other flora). MMS itself does not kill intestinal friendly micro-organisms but forceful diarrhea can sometimes reduce their numbers. Similarly, maintain intake of minerals – especially calcium and magnesium.

    Nutritional intake is critical to the immune system. Daily sunshine on the skin will maintain your vitamin D or, if you rarely see the sun, you must maintain “D” with supplements – – essential for maintaining the immune system. While MMS is the most potent germicidal agent on the planet, only the immune system produces healing and maintenance of health.
        The five fundamentals above are basic to all the various methods and protocols that are explained on this Web Site. Be sure to click through to the various specific protocols that are highlighted below.

    Six proven ways to move MMS into your body.
    1. Drink it. Swallow activated MMS with any amount of water or juice flavoring added. This is the most common method. Adding water or limited juice to the mix after the 30 seconds or until the solution turns yellow amber wait enables you to drink the mixture. The amount of water matters very little provided that you drink it all – typically one half to a full glass of water. If you drink the entire amount you will get all of the MMS benefit. Diluted little or much it will still do the same cleansing within in your body. After the 30 seconds wait, when you add water or juice, no more chlorine dioxide is generated. It is locked into the water or juice. After drinking the mix with the water added, the CLO2 gas will circulate in the body for less than two hours as described above. Insignificant amounts of CLO2 are generated after the water is added, but not enough to consider. MMS2 needs 500 ml water to feel comfortable.

    You could repeat any MMS1 dose every hour and MMS2 every 2 hour without harm provided you observe the temporary barriers created by diarrhea or nausea.
    2. You can spray activated MMS on skin anywhere. It is effective against localized skin sores or diseases. The mixture must have a small amount of water added to make the liquid ready for spraying. It does not bleach hair and does not harm the skin. If you have open sores or cuts, it may cause sensations of burning but it promotes rapid germ-free closure of wounds.
    3. MMS retention enemas are effective in cleansing intestinal walls. They also cause the ClO2 to be absorbed and mixed with the plasma of the blood – the blood liquid. MMS benefits are more available to more parts of the body more quickly when the ClO2 is carried in the plasma.
    4. Hot tub baths with activated MMS in the water expose the entire skin surface to CLO2 ions. Add hot water continually while sitting in the tub. Skin pores open and the ClO2 ions pass deep below the skin and into muscles. Since blood is always present in muscles, the CLO2 ions merge into the plasma of the blood providing greater concentration of detoxifying action against parasites, yeast, fungus and other pathogens.
    5. Some people briefly breathe the CLO2 gas into the nose, head, and sinuses. DO NOT DEEPLY BREATH the CLO2 gas into the lungs because damage can happen to the lungs without you feeling it. Later you will find that you can almost not breath Sitting with your mouth or nose over a cup of activated 2 drop mixture (definitely no more than 2 drops), and with no water added, draw the odorous CLO2 gas into the nostrils or mouth. Approach this with caution. If it seems too strong move the cup further away or prepare a weaker mixture. The first time should be no more than two small breaths until you feel a tiny “Bite. “This has proven effective in killing germs in the sinuses that are often the cause of post-nasal drip. One or two brief nasal breathing session have been reported to eliminate post-nasal drip after all other medicines had failed to stop it.
    Caution: If you have any history of asthma, use low doses and stop immediately if you have any sensation of an asthma attack. Never exceed the 4 drop maximum. This method is effective in situations where sinuses, vocal cords, or ear infections are retaining germs or pathogens.
    Remember, it is the CLO2 Ion – the gas that you can smell – that is the germicidal agent. Use a 2 to 4 drop dose activated with 4% hydrochloric acid for each drop of MMS that you use. There’s no need to add water since you won’t be drinking it. Germs live and thrive in MUCUS and PHLEHM. The odor of ClO2 can kill them and prevent further production of mucus.
    NOTE: Some people report “catching a cold” when using this method. Yes, there can be strong mucus films in your lungs from a cold you had a year ago known as Biofilm. Biofilm is also known in industry. Germs are sometimes encapsulated in the hardened but live mucus. The CLO2 gas weakens the mucus and the former cold germs escaped. In this case, continue with internal 2 drop doses of activated MMS every hour (drink it), and continue deep breathing every four hours from the cup (Observe the limits and cautions above). The cold will soon vanish.
    CAUTION: DO NOT EXCEED the 4 drop maximum mixture and take one or two breaths. You can always mix a second dose later if you want more time span. Bird cages and free-flying house birds should be kept in another room because of their sensitivity to various gases. HEED THESE CAUTIONS. You are responsible for using this strategy responsibly so avoid prolonged deep breathing of the CLO2 gas, always separated with deep breathing of normal air.
    6. DMSO can sometimes be added to the MMS activated mix in special or life-threatening situations. Special DMSO instructions are located under the 3000 protocol. Always test yourself first with a small DMSO spot on your arm. People who have a damaged or weakened liver should reduce the use of DMSO if any aching or pain is felt in the liver area. Put 1 or 2 drops of DMSO on your arm and rub it in. Wait for several hours. If there is no liver pain, you are probably safe in using DMSO.
        One tablespoon of DMSO with two or more tablespoons of water can be taken internally by drinking it once or twice a day while fighting a severe disease. Normally use juice and dilute the DMSO much more. A 50-50 dilution will burn most people’s throat. It’s best to dilute DMSO with at least 2 parts water or juice to 1 part DMSO. I
    Caution One: DO NOT ATTEMPT any experimental intravenous injections in your home. There are health clinics that can administer such therapies. Seek qualified professionals who can take responsibility for proper dosage, administration, and predictable outcomes from any IV process. Health clinics may charge up to $100 per intravenous treatment. Intravenous provides about the same benefits as methods 3 and 4 above, but at a high cost.
    Caution Two: If you choose to put activated MMS into a dehumidifier or room fogger, keep the MMS mixture at no more than 20 activated drops per gallon of water. (Must be activated in a cup with the three minute wait before dropping it into the water tank.) CLO2 is a powerful deodorizer and air purifier. Remove canaries and parrots from the room.
    It is best not to sleep in the room where the humidifier is fogging the room with CLO2 in the mix. Your lungs pick up the CLO2 gas (which is beneficial) just as readily as they pick up oxygen. While the CLO2 is received willingly by your lungs and red blood cells, you could unknowingly reduce oxygen intake and suffer harm. Remember this also if children are playing or sleeping in the same room. A limited amount of CLO2 in the air would be helpful for children and adults, but only if alert people are present and are knowledgeable about the nature of CLO2 as a germicidal agent.
    It is equally effective to rid a closet or room of mold, odors, or germs if you set a 50 drop mix of activated MMS on a saucer in the middle of a closed room and let the CLO2 gas arise out of the liquid naturally. Do not add any water in this case. Do not exceed the 10 drop suggestion. It’s more effective and safer to do several repeated room cleansings every hour than to release too much CLO2 at one time into a closed room. The odor does not linger and will not harm cushions, curtains, or lampshades. After 2 hours, the odor will have sacrificed itself and any room odors will be gone. If the normal small from shoes and clothes in a closet are still present, then a second CLO2 saucer or cup should be repeated.
    CLO2 gas is a powerful deodorizer and germicidal agent. Drifting through the air, it will eventually kill all germs in the air and in furniture fabrics. After about two hours, the CLO2 gas disappears. It deteriorates into two molecules of water vapor. Activated MMS can restore lawn chairs thought to be ruined by skunk spray. Scrub the MMS mixture into car carpets, smelly shoes, and under arms. Will the whole house start to smell like a motel swimming pool? No. Not possible.
    When using MMS as a room deodorizer or fungus eliminator, close the room doors and remove all pets and birds from the room for one or two hours.

    Caution Three: if you experience nausea after taking the first one-drop dose of MMS, it’s rare. To quickly stop the nausea, wait ten minutes, then counter it with vitamin c or a teaspoon of baking soda in water if the nausea persists. Also eat an apple if you can keep it down. Wait overnight, and then try a one-drop dose again.





    Acid Reflux


    Protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000, protocol 3000 application to affected area once per day, spray solution (10 drops per ounce)

    application hourly for another 8-9 hours, bag protocol once per day to treat areas other than face


    Protocol 1000. Depending on type of allergy, once daily baths, bag protocol, spray bottle protocol

    (10 drops per ounce) and/or inhalation therapy (using no more than 2 activated drops

     MMS and breathing very lightly)

    ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

    Protocol 1000

    Altitude Sickness

    Protocol 1000 in advance of exposure to high altitude is best, but at sudden onset administer 6 and 6 protocol

    and then go to protocol 1000

    Alzheimer’s Disease

    Protocol 1000 and then 2000 if no progress in 2 weeks


    Protocol 1000

    Anorexia Nervosa

    Protocol 1000


    Protocols 1000 and 3000

    Aspergers Syndrome

    Protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000 and inhalation therapy (caution: use no more than 2 activated drops MMS and breathe lightly)


    Protocol 2000 (increase dose amounts very slowly), enemas with or without DMSO


    Back Pain

    Protocol 1000, protocol 3000 applied once only to affected area, enema protocol

    Bladder Cancer

      Protocols 2000 and 3000

    Bone Cancer

    Protocols 2000 and 3000, bath protocol, bag protocol, enema protocol, inhalation therapy

    (use no more than 2 activated drops MMS and breathe gently)

    Bad Breath ( Halitosis)

    Protocol 1000, tooth and tongue brushing with 10 activated drops MMS per ounce water solution


    Spray mixture (10 activated drops per ounce) on scalp once per hour for 10 hours per day, protocol 1000

    Bipolar Disorder

    Protocol 1000

    Brain Cancer

    Protocols 2000 and 3000, bath protocol, bag protocol, enema protocol, inhalation therapy

    (use no more than 2 activated drops MMS and breathe gently)

    Brain Injury

    Protocol 1000

    Brain Tumors

    Protocols 2000 and 3000, bath protocol, bag protocol, enema protocol, inhalation therapy

    (use no more than 2 activated drops MMS and breathe gently)

    Breast Cancer

    Protocols 2000 and 3000, douche with 25 activated drops in one liter water every other day

    (this has been successful for women because it gets the MMS to the breast via the cervix),

     bath protocol, bag protocol, enema protocol, inhalation protocol

     (use no more than 2 activated drops MMS and breathe gently)


     Protocol 1000, inhalation therapy (use no more than 2 drops activated MMS and breathe gently),

    protocol 3000 one time only per day to chest


    Directly apply unactivated MMS to burn only 3-5 minutes, then rinse it off.

    If you do not understand any part of “rinse it off”, then do not do this!


    Protocol 1000, protocol 3000 only 1-3 times per day to affected areas, bath protocol



    Protocols 2000 and 3000, bath protocol, bag protocol, enema protocol, inhalation protocol

     (use no more than 2 drops of activated MMS and breathe gently)

    Canker Sores/Cold Sores

           Protocol 1000, spray bottle protocol (10 activated drops per ounce)

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Protocol 1000, Protocol 3000 application to affected area 1-3 times per day

    Celiac Disease

    Protocol 1000, enema protocol

    Cervical Cancer

    Protocols 2000 and 3000, douche protocol, enema protocol, bath protocol, bag protocol,

    inhalation protocol (use no more than 2 activated drops MMS and breathe gently)


    Protocol 1000

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

    Protocol 1000, inhalation therapy (use no more than 2 activated drops MMS and breathe lightly)

    Colon Cancer

    Protocol 2000 and 3000, enema protocol, bath protocol, bag protocol, inhalation therapy

    (use no more than 2 activated drops MMS and breathe gently)

    Congestive Heart Failure

    Protocol 1000

    Cradle Cap

    Spray scalp with spray bottle solution (10 drops MMS per ounce water) or fine brush

    Crohn’s Disease

    Protocol 1000, enema protocol


    Protocol 1000, enema protocol, bag protocol, douche protocol for females, bath protocol


    Prepare a solution of 4 activated drops MMS in 1/2 cup water and drop 2-3 drops

    in each eye every hour until well; protocol 1000



    Spray scalp with fine brush or spray bottle solution (10 activated drops MMS per 1 oz. water)

    several times per day. Causes bleaching over time.

    Deep Vein Thrombosis

     Protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000, if no results in 2 weeks, then 2000 for as long as it takes

    Diaper Rash

    Spray affected area with spray bottle solution (10 activated drops per ounce water)


    6 and 6 then protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000

    Down Syndrome

    Protocol 1000

    Drug Abuse

    Protocol 1000

    Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

      Protocol 1000, douche protocol


    Protocol 1000

    Dengue Fever

    Protocol 1000


    Ear Infections

    Activated 4 drop MMS and add 1/2 cup water. Drop several drops into affected ear

    and allow to penetrate deeply lying on your side.

    Eating Disorders

    Protocol 1000


    Spray bottle or fine brush protocol (10 activated drops MMS per ounce water), protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000, douche protocol

    Enlarged Prostate

    Protocol 1000, enema protocol

    Epilepsy (Seizure)

    Protocol 1000

    Erectile Dysfunction

    Protocol 1000

    Eye Problems

    Activate 4 drops MMS and add 1/2 cup water. Use a dropper to put several drops in each eye

    every hour for 10 hours, protocol 1000



    Protocol 1000, then 2000 if no results in 2 weeks


    Protocols 1000 and 3000


    Protocol 1000


    6 and 6 protocol, then protocol 1000, inhalation therapy (use no more than 2 activated drops

     MMS and breathe gently)


    Gallbladder Disease

    Protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000

    Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    Protocol 1000

    Genital Herpes

    Protocol 1000, spray bottle or fine brush protocol

    Genital Warts

    Protocol 1000, spray bottle protocol or fine brush, douche protocol

    Glomerulonephritis (Nephritis)

    Protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000, douche protocol for females


    Protocol 1000, protocol 3000 to affected joints

    Gum Disease

    Apply solution of 4 activated drops MMS with 1/2 cup water with toothbrush 3 times

    per day after meals. Brush gums, gum line and tongue well. In serious cases,

    may also apply DMSO with toothbrush once per day for deeper penetration.



    Protocol 1000, spray bottle or fine brush protocol


    6 and 6 protocol, then protocol 1000

    Heart Disease

    Protocol 1000


    spray bottle or fine brush protocol , enema protocol, protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000


    Protocol 2000, protocol 3000, bath protocol, bag protocol


    Protocol 1000, spray bottle or fine brush protocol, bath protocol, bag protocol

    Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)

    Protocol 1000, after 2 weeks may switch to protocol 2000 if needed

    Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

    Protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000, 50-100mg iodine supplement daily



    6 and 6 protocol, protocol 1000

    Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

    Protocol 1000, may switch to protocol 2000 after 2 weeks if necessary

    Iron Deficiency Anemia

    Protocol 1000, may also need vitamin B12 and/or iron supplements

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Protocol 1000, enema protocol


    Spray bottle or fine brush and brush protocol with 1000+


    Joint Pain

    Protocol 1000, protocol 3000 application once per day to joints

    Juvenile Diabetes

    Protocol 1000, may switch to protocol 2000 after 2 weeks if needed

    Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Protocol 1000, protocol 3000 once per day


    Kidney Diseases               Protocol 1000


    Kidney Stones                   Protocol 1000 with lots of water




     Protocol 2000, protocol 3000, bath protocol, bag protocol

    Liver Cancer

     Protocol 2000, protocol 3000, enema protocol, bag protocol, bath protocol, inhalation protocol

    (use no more than 2 activated drops and   breathe gently)

    Lung Cancer

     Protocol 2000, protocol 3000, inhalation therapy (use no more than 2 activated drops

    and breathe gently), bag protocol, bath protocol, enema protocol

    Lyme Disease

     Protocol 2000, protocol 3000, bag protocol, bath protocol


    Mad Cow Disease

    Protocol 1000


    Give 15 drop dose, then wait 1-4 hours and give another 15 drop dose


    Protocol 2000, protocol 3000, inhalation therapy (use no more than 2 drops and breathe gently),

    bath protocol, bag protocol


    6 & 6 protocol, then protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

    Protocol 2000

    N, O


    Protocol 1000, protocol 3000


     Protocol 1000, bag protocol


     Protocol 1000

    Ovarian Cancer

    Protocol 2000, protocol 3000, bag protocol, bath protocol, douche protocol, enema protocol,

     inhalation protocol (use no more than 2 activated drops and breathe gently)

    Ovarian Cyst

      Protocol 1000, douche protocol


    Parkinson’s Disease

    Protocol 1000, may switch to protocol 2000 after 2 weeks if necessary

    Peptic Ulcers

    Protocol 1000

    Pink Eye

    Prepare a solution of 4 activated drops MMS in 1/2 cup water and drop 2-3 drops in each eye

    every hour until well; protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000, inhalation therapy (use no more than 2 activated drops and breathe gently)

    Prostate Cancer

    Protocol 2000, protocol 3000, bath protocol, bag protocol, enema protocol, inhalation protocol

    (use no more than 2 activated drops and breathe gently)


    Protocol 1000, bag protocol, bath protocol

    Q, R

    Restless Legs Syndrome

    Protocol 1000

    Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Protocol 1000, protocol 3000

    Rheumatic Fever

    Protocol 1000


    Protocol 1000, gas protocol (Activate 6 drops MMS in a clear glass and place the mouth of the glass

    over the boil right-side-up in such a way that no liquid touches the skin. Leave in place for 5 minutes

    and NO MORE. Cover with Vaseline and a bandage and wait at least 4 hours before doing it again.)


    Protocol 1000, spray bottle protocol


    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

         6 and 6 Protocol, then protocol 1000, inhalation therapy (use no more than 2 activated drops and breathe gently)

    Sinus Infections

    Protocol 1000, also mix 4 activated drops MMS with 1/2 cup water and drop

    at least several drops into each nostril while lying down on your back on a bed

     and hanging your head over the edge, allowing the solution to penetrate deeply

    Skin Cancer

    Protocol 2000, protocol 3000 (apply solution directly to lesions), bag protocol, bath protocol

    Skin Rash

    Protocol 1000, spray bottle protocol or fine brush, bath protocol, bag protocol


    Protocol 1000

    Staph Infection (MRSA)

    Protocol 1000, gas protocol (Activate 6 drops MMS in a clear glass and place the mouth of the glass

    over the boil right-side-up in such a way that no liquid touches the skin. Leave in place

    for 5 minutes and NO MORE. Cover with Vaseline and a bandage and wait at least 4 hours before doing it again.)

    Stomach Cancer

    Protocol 2000, protocol 3000, enema protocol, bag protocol, bath protocol

    Strep Throat

    protocol 1000, brush teeth and tongue and gargle with a solution of 10 activated drops MMS per ounce water


    Spray bottle or fine brush protocol once per hour


    Protocol 1000, douche protocol for females, spray bottle or fine brush protocol


    Testicular Cancer

     Protocol 2000, protocol 3000, bath protocol, bag protocol

    Tooth Decay

     Brush teeth, gum line and tongue with 10 activated drops MMS per ounce water solution;

    activate 3 drops in a small glass or plastic container and place your mouth over the opening

    in such a way that none of the solution enters your mouth while you breathe through your nose.

    DO NOT INHALE FUMES. Just let the fumes into your mouth for 5 minutes and NO MORE.

    Tuberculosis (TB)

        Protocol 1000 and 1000+, inhalation protocol (use no more than 2 activated drops MMS and breathe gently)



    Protocol 1000, spray bottle protocol or fine brush for skin ulcers; gas protocol for skin ulcers (Activate 6 drops

    MMS in a clear glass and place the mouth of the glass over the boil right-side-up in such a way that no liquid

    touches the skin. Leave in place for 5 minutes and NO MORE. Cover with Vaseline and a bandage

    and wait at least 4 hours before doing it again.)

    Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

    Protocol 1000


    Vertigo             Protocol 1000, mix 4 activated drops MMS in 1/2 cup water and drop 3-4 drops into ears every hour while laying on your side for 5 minutes (cover and   keep the solution to use throughout the day)

    W, X, Y, Z

    Yeast infection (Candida)         Protocol 1000, douche protocol for females, and spray bottle protocol


    NOTES: Please follow instructions carefully; specially the every hour application when necessary. Your fast recovery will depend on it. In the human body this chlorine dioxide solution is the most powerful killer of 97% of all diseases that has ever known. The power of drops discovered by Jim Humble, which had been used in America for more than 60 years, was once again proven. Clearly this was a gift that heals, a visible form of grace; a health sacrament. This can bring a new, high level of good health into your life and the lives of your loved ones. It is simple, inexpensive, and easily doable. Through the Genesis II Church and its sacraments we can all live free of disease in a world of peace.


    Anecdotal evidence from thousands of people around the world indicates that there is little doubt MMS1 (chlorine dioxide), and MMS2 (when dissolved in water turns to hypochlorous acid (HOCl) have the ability to kill pathogens and/or oxidize poisons in the human body. The FDA regulations specify that chlorine dioxide (MMS1) and calcium hypochlorite (MMS2) can be used in public water systems to purify the water, and chlorine dioxide is used to preserve vegetables, meat and other items. The human body on an average is 60-75% water. It stands to reason that chlorine dioxide can also purify the water in the body just as it does in public water systems. Once the water of the body is purified, and many of the poisons oxidized, the body can then heal itself.

    Note: If someone has a multiple body ailments/diseases and or has had a disease for a long time, then it will usually take longer to eradicate it from the body. Keep going till you are successful!

    In addition, we want to point out that regular maintenance of MMS is also very much about prevention, and consequently longevity. Here is some food for thought: In today’s world we are bombarded with toxins on a daily basis—hardly any escaping it. The inventor discovered over the years that many people think they are doing “OK” in the health department. They have no major illness, and no particular health condition to be concerned about that they are aware of. Yet, once they include MMS into their daily routine, they often discover a whole new world of well-being! They find they begin to shed unwanted weight, and their thinking improves—brain fog, unclear thinking, and poor concentration go out the door. They have more energy; their skin becomes smoother and takes on a special new glow. In short, a variety of nagging little problems they learned to live with for years vanish. Although they were doing “OK” health-wise, they are now doing all the better! So you see, MMS offers much more than one might think. If you have a serious health issue of one kind or another from which you need to recover— MMS is for you. Likewise, if your health seems to be “OK” but you would like to nevertheless achieve optimum health, this MMS is also for you. Whatever category you fit in—a basic maintenance routine with MMS can help you get healthy, keep you healthy, and help you maintain a good quality of life into your more than senior years.


    A Testimonial about HIV/AIDS from Jim Humble:

    In 2009, Jim Humble, the discover/inventor went to Malawi, a small country in southeast Africa. While there, 800 HIV/AIDS cases came to him. These people took only 3 drops of MMS1 every hour, for eight hours a day, for three weeks. Guess what? The 3-drop doses, taken eight hours a day for 21 days, were 99% effective in eradicating HIV/AIDS. There were only five failures out of the 800 cases, and of these five, instructions were not properly followed in one way or another. Since that time hundreds of thousands of people have taken 3–drop doses on an hourly basis and have recovered their health. This change to smaller hourly doses, as opposed to large doses less often, probably represents the biggest development from earlier instructions. To sum it up, after years of experience, we have come to learn that most diseases (other than malaria), are substantially more responsive to hourly doses of MMS1, spread out over an eight to ten hour period daily. This is more effective than 1, 2, or 3 large doses per day. This is true for cancer and for most diseases. People have been using hourly protocols in recent years with amazing success. There are a few other exceptions to the hourly dose rule, other than malaria, such as Protocol 6 and 6 (see page 169), and some of the Emergency Protocols (see Chapter 12).


    So, to reiterate: Please do not follow instructions that talk about 3 large doses of 15 drops each. that talk about 3 large doses of 15 drops each.

    (Unless it is an exception to the rule, as mentioned above.) The Importance of Consecutive Doses Be diligent to take your dose consecutively every hour on the hour. For example, while on an eight-hour protocol, (Unless it is an exception to the rule, as mentioned above.)


    The Importance of Consecutive Doses

    Be diligent to take your dose consecutively every hour on the hour. For example, while on an eight-hour protocol, the morning, then a three hour break, then four more hours later in the day. A fundamental principle of MMS is that hitting the pathogens every hour does not give pathogens time to regroup and build back up, but instead, being constantly hit without a chance to regroup, they die off.

    Daily Dose Bottle

    In recent years we have taught the use of a daily dose bottle. The main inspiration for this bottle was to help facilitate people in taking their hourly dose. However, we have since concluded that maximum benefit from taking MMS1 is derived when each hourly dose is made up fresh. This phenomenon was first noticed with thousands of autistic children who used the daily dose bottle for an ample time period. Then, when the children were switched over to doses made up individually and fresh each hour, many more improvements were reported than when their doses were mixed into one bottle for the entire day. In my 20 years of working with MMS, and personally helping thousands of people, I have noticed overall greater results in health recovery when individually mixed fresh doses of MMS1 were used. In addition, our very active Health Ministers around the globe who work extensively with MMS, and with large numbers of people (by the thousands), have also reported the same results. If for various reasons there is no other choice but to make up an all-day mixture instead of mixing each dose fresh every hour, it is certainly well worth your while, and better than taking no MMS at all. But my recommendation is, if at all possible, stick to mixing fresh hourly doses. You will have a greater chance of getting well much quicker.

    Note: A daily dose bottle entails mixing up all your MMS1 doses for the day into one bottle from which you drink a certain amount each hour. For example, if you were on Protocol 1000, it calls for taking a 3-drop dose of MMS1 (3 drops is the maximum—you start with less), every hour for eight consecutive hours. If making a daily bottle you would activate 24 drops of MMS, and add the drops to a 1 liter/quart bottle of purified water. If you drink 4 ounces out of the bottle, you would have a 3-drop dose. There can be any number of reasons why making up a fresh hourly dose of MMS1 may seem challenging and not possible. Perhaps one has a job where they drive a lot. Mixing a dose while driving is not easy, nor do I recommend it. I have found, however, through receiving substantial feedback from people around the world, that where there is a will, there is a way. Consider that your health is worth the effort to find a way to mix up your hourly doses. It can be as simple as carrying your MMS and activator acid bottles around in a Ziploc bag.



    When you are on the go, you might want to have small 1/2 ounce (15 ml) size bottles of MMS and acid activator to carry in your purse or pocket. (These can be refilled when needed from your larger bottles at home.) . If you are on the go and find yourself in and out of the office, the car, meetings, stuck in traffic and so on, purchasing a small portable pouch or lunch bag to keep your MMS supplies on hand and ready to go along with you at all times can be of help. All you need are your bottles of MMS and acid activator, a small 4 ounce/120 ml size glass, and a bottle or two of purified water. As a rule, I do not recommend mixing and drinking your doses in plastic cups, glass is preferred. But if you are on the go, it may be convenient to take along small disposable plastic cups, 4 ounce/120 ml size. This would not be what you use all the time, but when you are on the go it could be helpful.

    If and when it is still not convenient to do all of the above, and you find yourself in situations where stopping to mix your dose is not possible, an alternative to succumbing to using an all day dose bottle as a rule rather than the exception, would be to only pre-mix doses for the hours when there is no other choice. For example, say you are a teacher and you have to stand in front of your class for two or three hours. You know in advance you cannot excuse yourself to go mix up a dose during that time. In this case, mix up 2 or 3 doses in a bottle beforehand. Drink your hourly dose from that bottle during the time you cannot slip away to mix up a fresh dose. In almost any situation it is acceptable to have a water bottle on hand. Then, when possible, go back to mixing your fresh hourly doses. This helps one be able to continue with consecutive hourly doses, without breaking the 8 or 10 hour cycle of the protocols. All MMS1 doses are usually taken in 4 ounces/120 ml of water (or other compatible liquid). Try to find 4 ounce/120 ml bottles and pre-mix the amount of doses you will need, in individual bottles. Or, if you know you need two hours’ worth of pre-mixed doses, an 8 ounce/240 ml bottle would do, or for three hours a 12 ounce/360 ml bottle. You may want to use an indelible marking pen to mark off your bottle in 4 ounce/120 ml sections. Find what works best for you. This method is a combination of the pre-made dose bottle and mixing up fresh hourly doses. Remember, fresh mixed doses are best, but resort to this combination of the two—fresh doses and doses prepared ahead of time in a bottle, when there is no other choice. Keeping up with consecutive hourly doses is important.


    Genesis II Church of Health and Healing

    The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing was formed to serve mankind. To the best of our knowledge the Genesis II Church is the first church ever established with this purpose. The Church now has (as of October 31, 2016) more than 1943 trained Ministers of Health in more than 150 countries with a total of 341 churches. Multitudes of lives have been saved to date, and the suffering of millions has been stopped or adverted. The word genesis in the Church’s name signifies the beginning. The number II signifies bringing about a (new) second beginning—it is the intention of the Church to help make a better world. The words health and healing signifies that the Church is working towards bringing health to the world. The word church indicates a group of people with the same beliefs and purpose concerning serving mankind.

    The purpose of the Church is to help people stay healthy and if they are not, then offer information that they may use for themselves and their families, if they so choose, to get healthy. The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing is a non-denominational Church and it welcomes people from all walks of life, religions and belief systems from all other non-violent religions around the world. The Church does not require that anyone change their beliefs and spiritual practices, but all members are united in the common goal and desire to help mankind. The only pre-requisite for becoming a member of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing is being in support of the following beliefs:

    ●Doing good deeds

    ●Good health for all mankind

    ●Doing what is right

    ●Freedom for all mankind

    ●Enlightening others with the truth

    ●Helping one another

    ●Living with integrity

    Anyone in support of these beliefs is welcome to become a member of the Church.


    NOTE: Please have a copy of MMS Health Recovery Guidebook (for info call 0938-658-1661) to know more of MMS and its protocol for your self-care guidance.


    DISCLAIMER: To take or not to take MMS is a personal decision. Each individual must take responsibility for their own health. The inventor or the discoverer of MMS or protocol used cannot take responsibility for any adverse detoxification effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions or procedures described in these pages. None of the protocols mentioned herein can cure an illness, or even supply nutrients for healing the human body. We do not claim these methods cure. The protocols outlined as applied will kill most bacteria, viruses, pathogens, cancer and other life threatening diseases oxidizes various poisons in the human body. Then the body is able to heal itself.

    Good luck. May you have the best of health always.

    Rev. Quint Sajorda, Body Architect

    A G2C Health Minister - 1865

    Chapter 324, Philippines

    Sajorda River Park, Iba, Zambales, 2201, Philippines

    Email: qasajorda@gmail.com

    Mobile: +63938-658-1661

    WhatsApp +63938-658-1661


    Brief info of the G2 Health Minister:

    Rev. Quint Sajorda, Body Architect

    A survivor of Fibroustic Polyps at the colon, upper part of rectum, last July 6, 2017, high PSA test 16.8 for prostate, cystitis for bladder and stage 1 kidney problem.

    Treated himself with MMS protocol 1000, 1000+, 2000, 3000 and 4000


    His Proffesions:

    Registered as :

    * Architect - 5341

    * Real Estate Broker - PRC - 9250, HLURB 98 2012 (R); DTI - 6016 (R)

    * Specialty Contractor - PRC - 2583

    Founder and Principal Architect of Sajorda River Park

    His Awards:

    A multi-award recipient, as an inventor and published author (book 1 & 2) from the 2 past Presidents of the Philippines, Pres. Ferdinand Marcos (1981) and Pres. Fidel Ramos (1997). 


    A must-watch video, see this documentary: https://youtu.be/FLMazKyIy9w  

    or go to you Tube and search: mms quantum leap, a 57 minutes video,

    for the video of the Universal Antidote, visit this link --  https://theuniversalantidote.com

    and Understanding MMS Conversations with Jim Humble, a  you tube video by Adam Abraham video.. For written and video testimonials of users around the world, visit this link: https://mmstestimonials.co/

    *Note: If you have a health issue to know, use Google search; type the disease after mmstestimonials.co, example: 

    mmstestimonials.co diabetes.












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